• Office: 724.470.9656


The church in America is in serious trouble. It is losing membership at the alarming rate of 7% annually. Of people who were raised in the church, 78% have become disillusioned with their faith, and have simply walked away. Their reasoning? Lack of evidence for God, and subsequently, no belief in miracles. Of the Millenials polled, people between the ages of 18-34, 35% no longer believe that there is a God. It’s time to put away foolish things, and cry out to God for revival!

True Christianity is not the formal, powerless thing that so many have come to know. Real fellowship with the living Christ, the Anointed One, results in the destruction of every bondage, the removal of every burden, and the fulfillment of every good desire. There is no life so exciting as the victorious life that is true Christianity!

Mike preaches from the heart to the heart with an evident, strong and powerful Anointing of the Holy Spirit. People are saved, filled with the Spirit, delivered and set free as the Gospel is presented.

Some areas of ministry include:

  • Where is The Church Jesus died for?
  • What is the Gospel?
  • The Blood of Jesus
  • Spiritual warfare and the Believers Authority
  • Biblical Approach to Finance
  • Others as the Spirit leads

And prayer for the miraculous in each service.

Called by God, I am moved and honored to visit churches in order to help congregations like yours encounter God in a deeper and more meaningful way.


"When our son, Paul, was three years old, he developed ear trouble. After consulting the doctor, it determined that Paul had an acute abscess in both ears. Being unable to find the cause of the infection, the doctor could not effectively treat this condition. As it grew worse, Paul was transferred to Johns Hopkins, Bro. Cogley ministered in our church. At the close of the service, we had him pray for our son. God graciously moved and healed both of Paul’s ears, performing a complete miracle!
Paul...has never had any more trouble with his ears. We thank our Lord for ministry of Bro. Cogley, and Praise God for working through him in healing our son. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ forever! Glory to His Name."
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller
Member of Glendale Assembly of God
Swanton, Maryland